While the employment of tho men has Increased HO per cent, during tho last twelve 'cars, thu employment ot women has increased 57 per cent, during the aamo tlmn. Kelland piano and violin, solos. Mr t'hen Chaochang, Tntiib of Kirln. Shnn mm Bros,; 2 mul 3, J, Thompson. Tbe English flock five pounds. You know this lady.
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Mario his bill so big t couldn't afford to huv nny more tobacco. Championships Three rams, any ago or breed, owned and bred in B. Why buy] Mssage when one can have lt for nothing, ho asked himself, and drawing: It Is the courage to.
This Is the oath.
Apples, Talman Sweet 5 1, J. There Is nothing equal to It. For Sale—on easy terms, what is known as the Bent place.
Sfmviii Clint for overi-i yais. Heifer, 2 yours antl under 1! Is Vio- Japanese surgeon? Where those steps are followed the seed will each year become more ami moro ro-ustant until eventually you have a s.
Bertha wa, nearstchted, and In those days the ey, was not se readily assisted ss It I, nowadays. Tho empty life is neither good nnr luul—jusi simply 11 lukewarm, listless existence, priding yourself of your own goodness, without an effort to better ami help others.
Ray Jr. - Y.N.R.S (Feat. Graddy Co., Tezo & Doe Boy) [Prod. By JP]
Ewe Iiimb 1, 2 and 3, C. To tbe childlike In telth cornea tbe richness of revelation.
Hawthorne Three animals got ono siro—1, A. Apples, Fuincuse, 5, 1, J. Sheathing Paper —a high-grade paper, odorless, tasteless, tree from tar, va'eroroof, exceptionally strong —will not tear. They sav thnl Ihey purchase and sell a great deal nf British Columbia fruit, iiiiiI thai when Ihey Import Ihey do il for sufficient business reasons. To the man that now has sheep of mixed breeding or to the beginner we would say endeavor to have ns uniform a flock aa possible.
But the result of all this wss thst when Wslter went away from Oretchen he took her heart with blm. Tbe ewes also should be In a When it was born it weighed only gni'n ng condition. Tho date of the opening of the fall assizes for the county ol Westminster has been set for Monday, October Apples, Koxbury RliBsat, 5. One ram, any ugc; own two two shears or over; ewe, shearling; ewe, lamb 1 aud 2,!.
Boyz N Da Hood 2 de Doe Boy en Apple Music
Thompson, Sardis, Kwe, twn shearsorovor—1, 2and 8, Jus. Plums, any other ry, 1, J. Come in and see thom. Work on the new post office han again been bold up this week by the nun-arrival ol n -asary I'smstruetion '. Bam, lam—1 and 2, E.
Mixtape of Boyz N Da Hood 2 by Doe Boy- My Mixtapez
The world's mysteries ere lesrned only by the teschable. Tlle oilier day the sume lllllll inllle iii and sold he wanted another I'd [ fnr a apdClal purpose. British Colombia Electric ly. Voice -Yes, I do; but my gown's too tight —Satlro.
Tne Power of Sarcasm Tho residents of ono ot the small California towns near Los Angolos woro nnnoyed nt the constant speeding of motor drivers over the good roads ot that section, and so, aftor losing several chickens and dogs under tho wheels of passing cars, thoy made a proteat by erecting a sarcastically worded signboard, reading, Slow down tn 65 miles.
Pears, Betirro, d'Anou, 5 1,8.
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